He died on September 26 in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when an insurgent wearing a suicide vest detonated the device near his patrol.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 26 in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when an insurgent wearing a suicide vest detonated the device near his patrol.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 26 in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when an insurgent wearing a suicide vest detonated the device near his patrol.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 22 as a result of a single vehicle accident in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 20 in Panjwa’l, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when he was attacked by a rocket propelled grenade while on mounted patrol.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 16 in Zabul province, Afghanistan of injuries suffered when his position was attacked with small arms fire.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 16 in Zabul province, Afghanistan of injuries suffered when his position was attacked with small arms fire.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 16 in Zabul province, Afghanistan of injuries suffered when his position was attacked with small arms fire.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 16 in Zabul province, Afghanistan of injuries suffered when his position was attacked with small arms fire.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 15 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 15 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 13 in Muqer, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms and rocket propelled grenade fire.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
She died on September 5 in Logar Province, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when her aircraft crashed.
May she rest in peace as she couldn't in this life.
He died on September 5 in Logar Province, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when his aircraft crashed.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on August 28 in Charkh, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when he was hit by shrapnel.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 3 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 1 in Batur Village, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 1 in Batur Village, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on September 2 in Jalalabad, Afghanistan from a non-combat-related incident.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.