He died on May 26 in Bagram, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by a rocket propelled grenade.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 26 in Bagram, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by a rocket propelled grenade.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 16 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with a vehicle borne improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 16 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with a vehicle borne improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 14 in Sanjaray, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 14 in Sanjaray, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 14 in Sanjaray, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 14 in Sanjaray, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 15 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, after drowning while attempting to cross a body of water during combat operations.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 4 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 4 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 4 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 4 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 4 in Maiwand, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 4 while conducting combat operations in Farah province, Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 4 while conducting combat operations in Farah province, Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.
He died on May 1 in Landstuhl, Germany, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit on April 27 with an improvised explosive device in Arian, Afghanistan.
May he rest in peace as he couldn't in this life.